Wednesday, November 16, 2011

With Earthworms To Make Compost

Seeing earthworms are disgusting. But who would have thought, if this one animal has many benefits. Starting from the material feed, medicines, cosmetics, to making compost.
Earthworms contain more than 70% protein. Earthworm species commonly used to help the process of composting is Lumbricus terristis , Lumbricus Rubellus , Pheretima definges , and Eisenia foetida.
Earthworms will elaborate compost materials that have previously been composed by microorganisms.

The involvement of earthworms and microorganisms in the composting cause the way it works more effectively and more quickly. Want to know how to compost with earthworms? Follow the instructions below:

Lumbricus Rubellus (Eisenia Feotida)

Red worms ( Eisenia foetida ) is the most common variety used (arguably the most versatile) composting worms. They are generally 2-4 inches in length with a reddish / purple, appearance and overall physical characteristics can actually vary quite a distance. Sometimes worms are colored from light orange or dark purple color, sometimes with stripes. One characteristic that seems to be fairly consistent among specimens of this species is the yellow tail tip.

red worms are very tolerant of a variety of temperatures - from cold temperatures until the temperature reaches 35 Celsius heat, they are very suitable cultivated indoors or outdoors. According to Edwards (1988) * the optimal temperature for breeding Red worm is 15-20 Celsius, while the optimum temperature for maximum growth and sewage treatment capacity of approximately 25 Celsius.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

African nightcrawlers Worms

African nightcrawlers , scientific name, Eudrillus eugeniae , originated in tropical West Africa and has grown in other warm regions around the world. It is worthwhile to vermicast worm compost, manure worms, worm castings or Black Gold, which is equivalent in size and shape of mouse droppings. Vermicast is not like most people when using the media materials worms can actually be used as fertilizer or seed to plant.
Growth of plants and their roots have shown some remarkable results due to the biological makeup and the amount of beneficial aerobic microbes using castings. Use of this product have also been shown to make the plants, whether flowers, vegetables, shrubs or trees, to be an antidote to plant diseases. The exact reason for this is unknown, but some theorize that vermicast which generally produce more fertile plants.

Tiger Worms

Tiger worms are another name for red worms, red wiggler or manure worm. These worms are usually used for compost. They produce some of the richest species castings and they also manufacture them at a fast rate. Tiger Worms has the ability to consume more than their own weight in a day. This means that the organic fertilizer produced by the body they can also be greater. The resulting organic fertilizer is often referred to as the Tiger worm vermicast.  Worms Tiger has a long life expectancy as well. Because they are not tasty to predators like birds, they are free to live their lives without the threat of being eaten alive.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Enhance The Community's Economy Affected By Lapindo Mud

Improving the economy growth Lapindo Mud affected communities, the need for innovations significantly. Seeing the business opportunities currently quite a lot and hard to reach for the people affected. Aside from the economic aspect is also very necessary skill.
For that I began to pioneer new business in the field of worm farming, which has been in East Java, especially in Sidoarjo, worm farming is very rare. This I read as a significant business opportunity for improving our economy. But the problems that I face now is, how we can market our culture results. While the old players in particular and the surrounding areas of West Java have controlled the market especially international market.