Wednesday, November 16, 2011

With Earthworms To Make Compost

Seeing earthworms are disgusting. But who would have thought, if this one animal has many benefits. Starting from the material feed, medicines, cosmetics, to making compost.
Earthworms contain more than 70% protein. Earthworm species commonly used to help the process of composting is Lumbricus terristis , Lumbricus Rubellus , Pheretima definges , and Eisenia foetida.
Earthworms will elaborate compost materials that have previously been composed by microorganisms.

The involvement of earthworms and microorganisms in the composting cause the way it works more effectively and more quickly. Want to know how to compost with earthworms? Follow the instructions below:

Prepare a growing medium in the form of earthworms organic materials, straw, grass, banana stems, manure, and limestone walls.
Straw, grass, or chopped banana trunks into smaller sizes. Soak the pieces had been during the night. Immersion is intended that the compost raw materials become more soft and to remove any residual pesticides.
Combine the organic material had been with straw or banana trunks. Fermented (leave) the mixture for 1-2 weeks. After that, mix with manure (75%) and limestone walls slightly (to control pH). Stir until ingredients are well blended.
Insert the media that has been fermented into a ditch, then leave until the temperature began to drop or allow about 14 days.
Once cool, add earthworms with density 11-14 g / kg of media.
Maintain an earthworm with a feeding livestock manure. Spread the manure on the surface of the media is as thick as 2 cm with a frequency of 3 days. Cattle dung also serves as a medium.
If the medium is too dry, do the watering until the media moist again.
Perform harvesting if the media have appeared granular excrement of worms or the medium is much smoother and darker. Harvesting is done by separating the earthworm with the media. Casting generated ready for use as organic fertilizer.

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